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My name is Rachel Southgate. I am a primary school teacher in New Zealand. Currently I am relieving in the Tararua region. I teach all ages from year 0 - year 8 with Year 7-8 being the year group that I absolutely love to teach. As a result most of the resources I create are aimed at Year 7-8 sutdents and Level 4 of the New Zealand Curriculum.


I believe in explicit teaching alongside giving students as much choice as possible. Students do not know what they do not know yet and I believe it is the teachers job to be on top of this leading students and their learning. 

As much as possible students should feel ownership of their work and be able to follow their areas of interest. Learning is so much more authentic when it is integrated across curriculum areas with Level 4 of the curriculum being a great age to be able to do this. Being clever about integrated curriculum enables curriculum coverage and a more stream lined approach to planning. 


Rachel's Resources create unique, quality resources for teachers which engage students and are easy to use in the classroom. 

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