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Valentines Day Poem

I love taking the opportunity to do things at school that link to what is going on in the world. Students (especially year 7/8s I find) love knowing stuff; the sillier and more trivial the better. Learning about things like 'Why do we have Valentines Day? often really tickles their fancy and they quickly become engaged. It also is a break from routine and often provides something interesting to put on the wall.

It is easy to dismiss these one off activities as a waste of time but I think they tick a lot of curriculum boxes, build a classroom culture of a love for learning about the world we live in and enhance students feelings of enjoyment about coming to school. If you are at a Catholic school doing anything around a Saint is a great way to integrate the curriculum.

If you are looking for something easy to do for Valentines Day on the 14th I have a resource which introduces your students to a Terza Rima which is an Italian poem, and gets them writing and publishing their own. St Valentine is the patron saint of Italy and some believe he was born there. The exemplar poem, in the resource, is based around information the students find out about St Valentine and valentines day. If you are short on time I have done some research and included some info. sheets with a lot of interesting facts that they could use.

Click on the picture below to go to find out more about this resource.

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